Saturday, 13 January 2007

Anti Social Behaviour by persons

This relates to activity that affects your quality of life. This could be groups of young people hanging around, being noisy and causing a nuisance, gatherings of people being intimidating, abusive etc.

The NAG has taken this subject as its first priority. Police have engaged with local shops and, by working with them, posters have been produced reminding customers to be mindful of the effect they have on neighbours. The NAG has written to the Bucks Free Press and a letter has been published which encourages community members to report incidents of Anti Social Behaviour.

Has there been any improvement? What are the worst areas? What more can be done to improve the situation?


Anonymous said...

There has been an improvement around Corals but can this really be sustained. I will reserve judgement on if it's the 'NAG' or if it's weather related. We get most problems in the summer.

Anonymous said...

what is amazing is that the people who are demonstrating such behaviour tend to be from one family and the police seem reluctant to act. a recent quote is "at least we know where these people are and it saves us having to look elsewhere".

Blogmaster said...

Anonymous, thanks for your comments. Input on the Blog is valuable.
If you have information about incidents or individuals that you wish to pass on whilst maintaining your anonymity, consider talking to Crimestoppers (0800 555 111) asking for the information to be passe to the Neighbourhood Policing Team at High Wycombe.

Anonymous said...

the last couple of nights have seen large gatherings of people and their cars in Hawthorne Road by the garages opposite the pathway to Herbert Road.
The air is full of the smell of dope which is openly traded in full view of passers-by.
I was walking my dogs and was subjected to torrents of verbal abuse.
The local police have been contacted but i was informed that as no serious crime (!!) had been committed, then no officer would be despatched

Anonymous said...

Does Anti Social Behaviour by persons include Neighbours? I live in the vacinity of 3 Buckingham Drive and am fed up of listening the constant reving of a small moped in the back garden on a weekend when the weather is nice. All I want to be able to do is enjoy my garden with a certain amount of peace.

Anonymous said...

Loud RADIO coming from the Micklefield Inn Building Site, this morning, is that what we have to put up with now they are back on site? Are they allowed back on site I guess thats a council issue! Are we not allowed to have peace and tranquility within our neighbourhood?

Anonymous said...

you expect the council to help??

reality check!

as long as it doesnt annoy/harm or irritate them, then they are not concerned

Blogmaster said...

Your comments about the music have been forwarded to a council representative and we will see what result we get. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

not sure if this is the right section, but here goes.....

my sister was burgled last year and with the help of the police fingerprints taken at the scene identified the culprit.

great you think!


it would appear that because the culprit in person has a young baby, the child protection team persuaded the CPS that it would be wrong to issue a custodial sentence, but if she had been pregnant then no problem she would go to jail.

so - if you are female criminal, have a baby and avoid prison for any crimes you commit!!!

"disgusted" of Totteridge

Blogmaster said...

Equally disgusted to hear of that, can't say anymore really!

Anonymous said...

The Control of Pollution Department in Wycombe District Council would deal with noise problems from premises under the Environmental Protection Act 1990, with regards to Statutory Nuisance, . For further information or if anyone has a noise problem then please feel free to contact this department on 01494 461000. Calls are treated as confidential or visit

Anonymous said...

*** NOISE: Micklefield Inn Building Site ***

Please note that Wycombe District Council's Control of Pollution unit has acknowledged the complaint regarding a Loud radio on the Micklefield Inn building site. One of our officers has visited the site to stress the problem and has been assured that the radio will be turned down.

If problems persist, or any additional noise problems arise please contact our officers on 01494 421734. Additionally see the below link for our website.

Anonymous said...

Blogmaster. There have been two serious car accidents in Micklefild Road in the last month. Is it going to take a fatality to slow these people down?
Do you know who in the council / police I should direct my concerns to?
Maybe our local councillor might be able to help if he/she can pull himself away from interfering with the Mickleield Inn development!!

Anonymous said...

maybe the NAG could divert its attention to the behaviour of young children who are "allowed" to roam (play) in the streets late at night.
I am all for children being allowed to play, but I am fed up with my car being used for them to throw stones and other items at.
Other residents feel the same way and in light of the recent events surrounding Madeleine, one would think the parents would think twice (if at all!!)

Anonymous said...

I to am concerned about the accidents in Micklefield Road. The latest one being on Thursday evening - hopefully it was reported to the Police. This should be a police & council matter which needs addressing urgently. Perhaps "traffic calming" measures should be installed what about Speed Cameras?

Incidently, I heard that it was the local residents that interferred with the Micklefield Inn develpoment and rightly so as the builders were in breach of planning approval. Great to see local residents fighting for local issues! Keep up the GOOD WORK ALL OF YOU !!!

Anonymous said...

I agree.

The speed humps are not effective as drivers can drive round them and as for those that don't, they dont even slow down.
Speed cameras would certainly be more effective or how about a road system such as on Kingsmead Road.

Blogmaster said...

Thanks to all contributors for taking the time to post your thoughts or problems.

I have responded to the points relating tot he accidents in the Anti Social Use of Vehicles section already but, to include here the gist of the reply, Police are looking at setting up Speed Enforcemnt/ Reduction sessions in the area.

In relation to the Children playing/ roaming in the evening, this will be monitored and any Anti Social/ Criminal activity brought to the attention of the Police. If the identities of the children involved are known, pass these on to Police or Council.

In relation to the offender with a youn g child NOT getting sent to prison, please remember, neither the NAG, the Police or the Council have any say on what sentences are passed on conviction.

Again, thanks for all your comments. Keep us posted!

Anonymous said...

Thanks to the individual who constantly wakes me up at 3 am each morning as he repeatedly knocks on his front door to be allowed in, as well as shouting his wife's name, so that we can hear him half way down Hawthorne Road

Oh and thanks to the local constabulary for making so much noise this morning when visiting the same address

Blogmaster said...

Understandably frustrating to have the disruption. Perhaps you could phone the police when you hear the disturbance as we believe they want to speak with the male. You can remain anonymous and it may well put an end to the whole problem. Happy days all round!Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Following on from an earlier post, I too am fed up with the constant nuisance and noise from the house in question.
Last night was the last straw with the lady of the house shouting abuse at the local police (over 8 officers and dogs) who arrived at about 1030pm. Eventually they broke the door down, but continued to suffer verbal abuse
I live across the road from this family and it has reached an unacceptable level
Perhaps someone from the council can tell us what is happening to rehouse this family who are obviously not suited to the peace and quiet that others like to enjoy.
Or even give me the name / number of the person to contact.
I believe that as a Landlord of this property the council have a duty of care and the tenants behaviour is the repsonsibility of the council

Anonymous said...

Would someone please contact the Anti Social Behaviour team regarding the problem property in Hawthorne Road. I am not aware of a complaint being made with them and would like them to have the address.
01494 421087 or

Anonymous said...

as far as i am aware the address is already logged with the asb team (101)

Anonymous said...

seems it is now a regular weekend occurence.
again a disturbance at 101 - i feel sorry for the people who live near to this address
last night it was cars tooting and shouting at 3am and again at 4am together with what sounds like a fight inside. was so loud i could hear it 300 yards away!!!
council help ? forget it
police ? not interested

Anonymous said...

i agree with the prvious post, but It has been going on all day today - Sunday
Cars tooting and mini motorbikes riding round the streets.
Maybe we should all go away for six weeks during the school holidays as it seems that is the only way we will get any peace and quiet.
This family obviously do not give a stuff baout anyone else!!!

Blogmaster said...

The information about the specific address in Hawthorne Road has been noted. The relavant authories have been alerted to the entry's. Your concerns are being taken seriously. Thanks for keeping the blog appraised.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

Building Site at the were the old Micklefield Inn is. A number of youths gained access to the site last night around 8.30. Not sure what they were doing or if damaged was caused but there was a plume of white smoke which we believed was cement dust. When the said youths realised they had been clocked they soon ran off. One lad, black, slim build, very short hair with a corn rose coming out of the side, hangs around on a bike, at least 2 smaller white lads with hoods and a larger lad again white, very stocky build, tall, dark haird. We beleive they are gaining access via the insecure bike shop site using the old peoples bungalow footpath. This poses a risk to the earlderly should they set fire to the bike shop area. Police car did come round obviously on other business but unfortunately drove past, would it be possible for a car to drive around the back of the garages. Can the Neighbourhood Team and the Council re the old peoples bungalows and safety issues put extreme pressure on the owners of the bike shop to secure the site properly.

Anonymous said...

living in Micklefield road, I too saw the lads _ Jordan and a boy called Ryan - on their bikes.

Blogmaster said...

Re the address in Hawthorne Road, are things currently quieter? I am aware that Police have been patrolling the vicinity.

Re the building site, the Police will be notified of the incident to see if it matches with any reports of crime from the builders. We will notify the right people to encourage the developers to improve security.

Anonymous said...

re: Hawthorne Road

The situation is still the same, if not worse. The young girl that also lives there is adding to the noise by coming and going throughout the night - banging of front doors, holding conversations with her friends whilst they remain in the car and she shouts fron the front door.
I guess we just have to put up with it as they obviously want to live this way, whereas we and the rest of the street don't have a choice other than move house.

Anonymous said...

anonymous - you are not the only one to suffer the banging of the front door from this noisy family..
most people look forward to the weekend, not us!! We look forard to Monday when we can go back to work and escape this infernal family and their racket!!
living further down the road, we are constantly verbally abused, when we complain to them. Maybe someone else can offer to teach them how to close the front door properly and quietly, Especially in the hhours of darkness ( I counted over 20 slams last night alone between 11pm and 4am )

Blogmaster said...

The problems with the address in hawthorne Road (101) have been brought to the attention of the Public Safety team which is a partnership between the Council and Police.

robocop said...

If the Public Safety Team have had words, it has only caused the noise/abuse to worsen.
If they haven't had words, then it needs to be dealt with now, before someone gets hurt.
It seems that anyone who looks at the house, gets abuse and the noise levels are just increasing - it tends to start at around 4pm and then continue until about 2am.

Blogmaster said...


I don't know if contact has been made yet. I will ensure the Public Safety Team are aware of your post. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

a hot summer night and the necessity of having the window open at night is clear.
but wait. at half one in the morning the quiet of the street is shattered by someone kicking in the front door 20 houses away and then shouting/fighting occurs.
guess the address? oh yes 101!
just evict/rehouse the occupants and give the street some peace!!

Anonymous said...

anonymous - i agree; move them away from here!!!!

Blogmaster said...

We cannot be specific but action has been taken relating to one of the sources of the early morning disturbances.

Anonymous said...

thanx for the update, however, the other ptoblem of bikes/shouting/verbal abuse has increased - could this be a result of the dealing with the other issue?

Anonymous said...

Is the owning and discharging of a pellet gun in the street illegal? as the kid in Hawthorne Road (usual address) has a new toy.

watch your cars boys and girls!!

Blogmaster said...

What type of pellet gun is being used? is it a traditional air pistol/ rifle or one of the plastic BB guns?

Anonymous said...

i believe it is a bb gun - great toy for a 7/8 year old to have in the street

Blogmaster said...

Thanks re the BB gun.

Anonymous said...

re the post at 15:11 on Aug 8 - the problem has returned

Blogmaster said...

Thanks for the info. Has anything specific occured?

Anonymous said...

The young lad of 101 now has taken to urinating over people's cars.
He has walked 15 doors down the street and pi**ed over my neighbours car door and window!!
Can the council not provide toilets in their rented properties??

Anonymous said...

what a surprise!!!

the bank holiday weekend is only a few hours old and already the shouting and swearing has begun and it is only 0930!!

the street is quiet but for this noise which seems to be coming from the top side of Hawthorne Road

Anonymous said...

re: august 24 18:27

that is absolutely disgusting!

Anonymous said...

oh what a weekend

half five this morning the street is awakened by shouting from 101 as the young boy is shouting to be let in and his mother is screaming back at him to go forth and multiply!

could some one answer me one question?- how long do we have put up with this, I have lived in this street for over 40 years and have never experience the noise / abuse that has been going on for the past year

Anonymous said...

in relation to the previous posts, if something is not done about these inconsiderate noisy scum, seeming that the local constabulary are unable/reluctant to deal with the problem, then one may have to take matters into one's own hands

it is now 2130 and the shouting / swearing / bike riding has been going on for the past half hour

Blogmaster said...

I urge everyone to phone incidents through to Police as and when they are happening. I am aware that the motorbikes are being reported and have checked responses. Police are attending to try and stop the bikes. Sometimes they are unable to attend at the time due to other commitments. when they do, they try to catch the riders in the act.

As for other goings on, Agencies are working together to try and resolve this problem. This blog provides good evidence but, please call thing through as and when thay are happening. Poklice may be able to intervene at that time.

Thanks for your information and patience.

robocop said...

Contacting the police is not always a good idea.
Whilst the issues are a nuisance they are not always for the police to deal with as it is not major crime.
In addition contacting the police warrants giving a name and address which many of the residents are reluctant to do for fear of recrimination.
The responsiblity of the behaviour of this family lies entirely with their landlord, in this case the local council - it would be good to see them actually in the area observing what goes on rather than them relying on information from others.

Anonymous said...

just when I thought it was safe after the PCSO visits earlier this week - 01:45 the young girl at 101 wakes up the street by banging on her mums doot and shouting "mum let me in" non stop for 10 minutes.

have they not heard of a key???

Anonymous said...

re the disturbance at 0145, i actually left my house and walked 20 doors down the road to ask the girl in question to be quiet.
All I got was "shut your f**king mouth c*** before i stab you!"

and people wonder why they are like this??!!

Anonymous said...

hi i am new to this and i live on my own, how can i complain about peolpe's behaviour anonymmously because i dont want to go to court and reveal my name?

Blogmaster said...

To the contributor who spoke to the female at 101 and was abused and threatened as a result, what happened to you is unacceptable. To the new resident in the area, you can contact the Agencies with interest in this situation and speak to representatives in confidence. You’re identity will NOT be released without your knowledge and cooperation.

To both I ask you contact either the Police on 08458 505505, asking to speak to the Neighbourhood Team for Micklefield, or the Council on 01494 461000 and ask to speak to the Anti Social behaviour Team. In both cases, if the representatives you need are not available, a message can be left and they will contact you. Your details will be dealt with confidentially.

Anonymous said...

4am on Monday morning and a grey renault clio car screeches to a halt outside my neighbours house.
2 minutes later the shouts of "Mum let me in!" can be heard repeatedly in the street accompanied by non-step banging on the front door
No need to mention which house and in which street, but what must the immediate neighbours think?

Anonymous said...

late yesterday afternoon the boyfriend/partner/husband arrives at 101 with a car load of possessions - looks like he has moved in!
couple of hours later the young girl arrives with a car load of her possessions - has she moved in too??
didnt have to wait long - early this morning the shouting starts, it is now 3 am and i can hear them going hammer and tongs at each other and i live over 100 yards away!!

Blogmaster said...

The information about recent activity has been noted. The Council will be advised.

Thank you.

Anonymous said...

loud music playing from 101 hawthorne all day - doors and windows wide open - can hear the bloody thing from down by number 34!!

Anonymous said...

another pleasant satyrday spolit by the riding of mini-mopeds up and down Hawthorne Road, and now they have been joined by a trials bike.
this together with insessant pounding bass music playing is making it a day to stay indoors with the windoes and doors shut

it seems to have got worse in the past few days - anything to do with new additions to a certain household???

Anonymous said...

here we go again!!!

half ten on a Saturday night and the shouting/swearing and fighting starts at 101
then again at half two sunday morning
and just to round it off it starts again two hours later at 04.30.

Why dont the public safety team do something about this family who are obviously not suited to the quiet life that the rest of the residents in the street wish to enjoy?
Is it a case of "they are not in my back yard, so why should I worry?"
or is it a case of "just let them do what they want?"

Anonymous said...

seemed to be a few kids off school today in Hawthorne Road, is there a local truant officer and his/her contact details?

Public Safety Team said...

Thankyou for all your comments on the blog, in response we have sent out 40 ASB Packs containing diary sheets,useful information on what to note and how and a covering letter explaining the way in which we deal with these problems and how your details will remain confidential. To date not one has been returned to us. If you have not recieved one they are available on the Wycombe District Council website or from us on any of the numbers already given on this blog. We can be contacted on 01494 421087 or 01494 686224. Without your co-operation it makes it difficult for us to put together a case against people causing ASB within the community.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe that none of the 40+ packs have been returned.
Come on people!!

stand up and be counted and fight for your rights!!

the right to live a peaceful life

fill in your diaries and send them to the ASB team

Blogmaster said...

Seconding the last comment!

Anonymous said...

another crap day

loud music all day
bikes revving all day
gang of four/five lads (who should be in school) "patrolling" Hawthorne Road, hurling abuse at passers-by

Anonymous said...

another bad night of front doors being slammed all night and people shouting to be let in at 101 - together with cars constantly driving round Hawthorne Road all night - car doors slamming and loud conversations - whose occupants are obviously visitng the above address

Anonymous said...

sounds of loud arguments and fighting from a house at the top side of Hawthorne Road between the hours of 11pm and 4am
things seem to have got worse since everyone moved back into 101

Blogmaster said...

Please put this information onto the Anti Social Behaviour log sheets and return them, if you have been provided with the. if you did not receive any, contact the neighbourhood Policing Team at High Wycombe and leave a message for PC mat Langridge or Sergeant Chris Lewis. they will ennsure you receieve some.

Blogmaster said...

The police have informed us that 2 large off road motorbikes were seized from 101 Hawthorn Road yesterday after complaints from Micklefield residents. In this instance the bikes will not be returned.

Anonymous said...

you would have thought as it is a rainy day it would be quiet - well you would be wrong

i have closed all my windows and doors and from over 200 yards away all i can hear away is the infernal sound of thumping bass music from number 101. it would appear that their neighbours are out - lucky for them this as been going on all morning and afternoon.

in fact the eldest boy is out playing on his bike today (truant??), but I doubt anything will be done.

Anonymous said...

yet another night of shouting and what sounds like a fight coming from 101 - this is really getting beyond a joke with these people. Most people are asleep, but not now,
Diary sent to council, and I would urge others to do the same - I cant believe that no-one else heard this abusive noise.

Blogmaster said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Blogmaster said...

The last post I submitted was removed due to my atrocious spelling! Sorry.

The last two posts have been noted. We will advise the right people about School concerns. Thanks for doing the Diary re post 2.
I repeat my request to all, please complete dairy sheets and send them in. if you don't have any, contact PC Matt Langridge or Sergeant Chris Lewis and they will arrange for some to be provided.

Anonymous said...

'ere we go again with the booming bass music all the way down Hawthorne Road

what happened to peace and quiet???

Anonymous said...

i agree with the previous post and in addition thanks to the early morning caller at 0630 who decided it was fun to hammer on the door of 101 and shouting to be let in!!!

Blogmaster said...

The Council have been notified of this continuing Anti Social behaviour.
We repeat our request to complete and submit log sheets to assist the Coucil in evidencing this.

Anonymous said...

I'm a fed up resident and want that family dealt with but we can't keep posting things on this blog and doing nothing else about it. Let's trust the old bill and our elected councillors, make contact with them, send in our forms and then hold them to account if they don't act. If we all do it we wont be alone and they keep telling us we can be anonymous so who is to know?
Come on lets stand up for ourselves!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Good advice from the previious post, however upon speaking to the publica safety team today, they have yet to receive a single diary!!

Anonymous said...

could someone please tell me how long we are going to jave to put up with the vermin ( best word I can use in respect of the "no swearing" rule) at 101?

Half two this morning, I was woken up by someone hammering on the their front doot and shouting "mum. let me in!" repeatedly

Then again at 7am two vans pull uup tooting their horns and then proceed to have a loud conversation with the residents at the same address, before driving off.

can they not be moved to an area more in tune with their behaviour?

Anonymous said...

would the owner of the silver clio that keeps using Hawthorne Road, please fix your ****** exhaust so that the silencer does what it should do - ie silence the exhaust!!!

Anonymous said...

another noisy night at the usual address - doors banging / shouting to people in cars who cant be bothered to walk to the front door.

sounds of a fight at 3am

Anonymous said...

another weekend passes and this morning and yesterday morning we are all woken up at around 03:30, by someone banging on the front door of 101 and shouting to be let in.
this is now getting ridiculous, have they not heard of front door keys???

Blogmaster said...

The blogmaster has spoken with the public safety team at High Wycombe to update them on recent entries. They are disappointed to say that there are still no logs being sent to them from residents. If this really is an issue then please send them in. The team are ready, willing, able and want to take action but are limited in their abilities without these logs. That is why there have been repeated requests for their completion. Remember they can be done anonymously! Please, please complete them and send them in otherwise it is likely nothing will change.

Anonymous said...

A new Twist!

A peaceful autumn morning, when at 0930 a loud bang folowed by a scream of "mum! Let me in you f***ing c***!" - the young boy has obviously been out all night. This carries on for about 5 mins until one of the neighbours leans out the window and tells them to shut up!

An hour later, it starts again - this time it is the mother hurling abuse at the kids to shut up! This carries on for over half an hour, until they go out leaving the youngest on his own and at one stage he is standig on his porch roof with his mates trying to break into his house.

Anonymous said...

You mention that the PS Team have not received any dairies - I find this concerning as I am aware of at least three residents who have submitted them!

Blogmaster said...

The above post is extremely concerning to the blogmaster as well. I have contacted the PST and asked for an urgent response. Are you able to assist with roughly when they were sent in and were they hand delivered to the council or posted as this may help to track them down? Many Thanks.

Anonymous said...

another disturbed nights sleep, with the sound of a fight at 101 at half four this morning.
no point calling the police because 24 hours later it will kick off again

Blogmaster said...

I understand that this incident was reported to police and action taken.

Anonymous said...

big disturbance at 101 this afternoon - lots of shouting/abuse at around 3pm, which resulted in the sound of a window being smashed as someone couldnt get in
front door now smashed in!!

Blogmaster said...

Re the post on 7th November, details have been passed to the Council

James Merritt said...

James Merritt has joined Wycombe District Council as Neighbourhood Manager. He now manages the Housing team and has links to the Public Safety Team.
Interested in evidence against Council Tenants breaching their tenancy agreements with a view to enforcement. Working very closely with Police and NAGs

Anonymous said...

seems to becoming a daily occurence now - the last two mornings have seen bikes revving and shouting / swearing in the morning at the usual house in Hawthorne Road, This usually accompanied by visitors also on off road bikes.

Blogmaster said...

Police inform us that a mini off road bike was seized from an address in Hawthorn Road on 23/11/07. The law will allow the owners to claim this back however, where evidence allows, it can be seized again if used in an anti social manner.

Anonymous said...

don't know what was going on last night, but I lost count of the number of visitors to a certain address in Hawthorne Road - seemed to be one every five minutes.
Ordinarily this wouldnt be too bad but it was accompanied by constant slamming of car doors and their front door up to 2am
In addition it sounded like someone was building in the house due to the noise of hammering and drilling.
Is there a law relating to times at which DIY can be done?

Anonymous said...

santa seems to be delivering early this year as last night saw him delivering car loads of boxes of electricals to 101 hawthorn road at around 2am

Anonymous said...

just thought i would share part of my recent conversation with the council regarding "the family"

I was told that perhaps I "should stop complaining as nothing would get done, as this family like everybody else have the right to live in a house"
"we had numerous complaints from residents near their previous address, hence why they were relocated. And as such, will not be re-housed again not even if the number of complaints increase"

Seems a different version to what is mentioned in earlier posts

Blogmaster said...

The information in the penultimate 2 posts has been passed to Police.

The comments in the last post will be brought up with the Council and, if appropriate, challenged.

Anonymous said...

The "man of the house" is back at 101 and last night the arguements and the door slamming started in the middle of the night and continued until gone 3am!!!

Please can someone fix the ***** door!!!!!

Blogmaster said...

Police have advised us that if disturbances are heard that are of a domestic nature then you should contact them at the time of the incident.

Anonymous said...

another night of arguing and shouting at 101 - I can only assume it because the husband/boyfriend is back. this carried on for about half an hour.
Was in the process of reporting it when it went quiet.

Anonymous said...

sorry to say the person reporting about 101 is a police officer that lives next door to 101, and the two familys have had an arguement over a plant in the garden, come on mister police man its only a plant

Anonymous said...

I have had dealings with the young lad, I find the young lad very polite, and to the person who wrote about the young lad out at 3am, makes me laugh, as the young lad was on hoilday at butlins

Anonymous said...

I see from all the comments about 101 that it is all from the same family Mr police mans wife, why dont she give up, the plants dont belong to her.

Anonymous said...

I know of the area concerned and it's no worse than any other areas.
I'd rather have a few lively lads than a terrorist bomber living next to me...

Anonymous said...

I am so pleased to hear that you are all so perfect and dont have nothing better to do, i didnt realise 101 Hawthorne Rd was the new Big Brother house. I actually live next to 101 Hawthorne Rd and can say that i never have had any issues or confrontations with the family. Its seem funny how all of you have time to watch 101 Hawthorne Rd 24/7. Its also strange how no one has yet comented on the comings and goings of males at number 95 Hawthorne Rd. It also happens that the young girl is a prostitute and has been seen standing at the corner of Desborough High Street.

Anonymous said...

I am Carol Duff and i live at 101 Hawthorne Road, i would just like to say to the people at 99 and 95 Hawthorne Road will be prosecuted soon for all the false allegations that you have been putting about me and my family and anyone else that is involved. I have informed my solicitor who will be investigating and taking this further successfully. Thank You

Anonymous said...

Oh how I laughed 'Carol Duff' - wrong houses wrong street and your solicitor is going to sue anonymous posts. Should be interesting! As ever trying to sound big clever and scary but doesn't stand up to scrutiny.

Anonymous said...

i am not trying to scare or to be big. i no my rights and i have spoken to my solicitor who is contacting the main suppliers of your network and all names and address will be revealed. so im not trying to make anyone laugh this is a serious allegation that you are making agaisnt myself and my sons, who you are revealling names and address's of who are under the age of 16.

Blogmaster said...

Thanks for the above posts. As we have mentioned elsewhere it is important to have constructive debate from all sides. Please do not let this develop into a slanging match or offensive posts will be removed.